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- Sura 1: The Key
- Sura 2: The Heifer
- Sura 3: The Amramites
- Sura 4: Women
- Sura 5: The Feast
- Sura 6: Livestock
- Sura 7: The Purgatory
- Sura 8: The Spoils of War
- Sura 9: Ultimatum
- Sura 10: Jonah
- Sura 11: Hood
- Sura 12: Joseph
- Sura 13: Thunder
- Sura 14: Abraham
- Sura 15: Al-Hijr Valley
- Sura 16: The Bee
- Sura 17: Children of Israel
- Sura 18: The Cave
- Sura 19: Mary
- Sura 20: T.H
- Sura 21: The Prophets
- Sura 22: Pilgrimage
- Sura 23: The Believers
- Sura 24: Light
- Sura 25: The Statute Book
- Sura 26: The Poets
- Sura 27: The Ant
- Sura 28: History
- Sura 29: The Spider
- Sura 30: The Romans
- Sura 31: Luqmaan
- Sura 32: Prostration
- Sura 33: The Parties
- Sura 34: Sheba
- Sura 35: Initiator
- Sura 36: Y.S
- Sura 37: The Arrangers
- Sura 38: S
- Sura 39: The Throngs
- Sura 40: Forgiver
- Sura 41: Detailed
- Sura 42: Consultation
- Sura 43: Ornaments
- Sura 44: Smoke
- Sura 45: Kneeling
- Sura 46: The Dunes
- Sura 47: Muhammad
- Sura 48: Victory
- Sura 49: The Walls
- Sura 50: Q
- Sura 51: Drivers of the Winds
- Sura 52: Mount Sinai
- Sura 53: The Stars
- Sura 54: The Moon
- Sura 55: Most Gracious
- Sura 56: The Inevitable
- Sura 57: Iron
- Sura 58: The Debate
- Sura 59: Exodus
- Sura 60: The Test
- Sura 61: The Column
- Sura 62: Friday
- Sura 63: The Hypocrites
- Sura 64: Mutual Blaming
- Sura 65: Divorce
- Sura 66: Prohibition
- Sura 67: Kingship
- Sura 68: The Pen
- Sura 69: Incontestable
- Sura 70: The Heights
- Sura 71: Noah
- Sura 72: Jinns
- Sura 73: Cloaked
- Sura 74: The Hidden Secret
- Sura 75: Resurrection
- Sura 76: The Human
- Sura 77: Dispatched
- Sura 78: The Event
- Sura 79: The Snatchers
- Sura 80: He Frowned
- Sura 81: The Rolling
- Sura 82: The Shattering
- Sura 83: The Cheaters
- Sura 84: The Rupture
- Sura 85: The Galaxies
- Sura 86: The Bright Star
- Sura 87: The Most High
- Sura 88: Overwhelming
- Sura 89: Dawn
- Sura 90: The Town
- Sura 91: The Sun
- Sura 92: The Night
- Sura 93: The Forenoon
- Sura 94: Cooling the Temper
- Sura 95: The Fig
- Sura 96: The Embryo
- Sura 97: Destiny
- Sura 98: Proof
- Sura 99: The Quake
- Sura 100: The Gallopers
- Sura 101: The Shocker
- Sura 102: Hoarding
- Sura 103: The Afternoon
- Sura 104: The Backbiter
- Sura 105: The Elephant
- Sura 106: Quraish Tribe
- Sura 107: Charity
- Sura 108: Bounty
- Sura 109: The Disbelievers
- Sura 110: Triumph
- Sura 111: Thorns
- Sura 112: Absoluteness
- Sura 113: Daybreak
- Sura 114: People
- Essentials of Islam
- Principles of Muslim Prayer
- Reconstructing the Muslim Prayer Completely from the Quran
- The Obligatory Charity (Zakat)
- Limits of Organized Religion
- Penalty Zakat
- Places of Worship
- Principles of Friday Prayer
- Witness a Miracle
- No More Miracles
- Should Messengers Bring Proof
- The Smoke Prophecy
- The Clarifying Messenger
- My Journey to Truth and Enlightenment
- Three Messengers, One Mahdi
- Explaining Quranic Initials, Predicting the Future
- The End of the World
- The End Times
- Promises of Paradise
- Demographics of Heaven and Hell
- In Defense of the Bible
- Christian vs. Muslim Calendar
- Times of Contact Prayer
- Ramadan Calendar
- Fasting in the Extreme North and South
- When is the Night of Destiny?
- Hajj Months
- Which way is Qiblah?
- King of Chaos
- King of Efficiency
- Fighting and Jihad
- Marriage and Divorce Rules from the Quran
- How to Pray and Have it Answered, Guaranteed?
- How to Find Your Perfect Marriage Partner?
- Modest is Beautiful
- For Mathematicians
- Beyond Mathematics
- For Ill Believers
- One of the Great Miracles [74:35]
- God’s Messenger of the Covenant [3:81]
- We Made the Quran Easy [54:17]
- Why Was the Quran Revealed in Arabic?
- Heaven and Hell
- Greatness of God
- Why Were We Created?
- The Myth of Intercession
- Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam
- God’s Usage of the Plural Tense
- The Day of Resurrection
- Role of the Prophet Muhammad
- The First Pillar of Islam
- Predestination
- Religious Duties: Gift from God
- Dietary Prohibitions
- Death
- Quran is All You Need
- Hadith and Sunna: Satanic Innovations
- Quran: Unlike Any Other Book
- Satan: Fallen Angel
- Jesus
- Chronological Order of Revelation
- Two False Verses Removed from the Quran
- End of the World
- The Three Messengers of Islam
- Who Is Your God?
- Muhammad Wrote God’s Revelations With His Own Hand
- The Missing Basmalah
- Polygamy
- Evolution: A Divinely Guided Process
- The Crucial Age of 40
- Why Did God Send a Messenger Now?
- Virginity/Chastity: A Trait of the True Believers
- Drugs & Alcohol
- What Price A Great Nation
- Criminal Justice in Islam
- God is Doing Everything
- Our Priorities
- How Fortunate Are We
- The Intelligent Creatures
- A Review of the Mathematical Miracle
- Who is Your God (part 2)?
- Who Are We?
- God’s Kingdom vs. Satan’s Kingdom
- Why Are We Here?
- Nullifying Excuses
- The Secret of Happiness
- The Classification of Creatures
- Disbelievers Being Bothered When God Alone is Mentioned
- The Mathematical Miracle and the Religious Duties
- The Mathematical Miracle/The Day of Judgment
- The Mathematical Miracle
- Our Test
- Multiples of 19/Reminder for Funeral Prayer
- God’s Messenger of the Covenant (part 2)
- A Historical Review of Human Fates
- Universal Unity
- The Mathematical Composition of Quranic Initials
- A Review of Revelation
- Who is your god (part 3)?
- The Mathematical Miracle of Quran
- Why Believe in God’s Messengers?
- Why did God send a messenger now (part 2)?
- The First Global Online Friday Sermon
- Does Zakat Come From Wealth or From Income?
- Was Muhammad Serving His Own Interests?
- How Much Do I Gain Financially from Implementing a Global Zakat System?
- Politics and the Quran
- Ignorant Quranists Trying to Redefine Arabic
- Gradualism as a Sign of God’s Mercy
- People in Position of Weakness Tend to Lie, People in Position of Power Tend to Break Their Promises
- The Importance of Early Good Deeds
- Two Important Issues
- Some Ways and Reasons to Worship God alone
- 28 Points About Charity from the Quran
- The Structure of the Quran and Conditions to Understand It
- How to Avoid Accidents?
- The Length of Time and True Belief
- Loneliness, the Poverty of Our Times
- Marriage and Easy Wealth
- How did Sunna Prayers Most Likely Emerge
- Understanding the Friday Prayer
- Preaching as a Way to Avoid Being Trapped into Dilemmas
- Who is Required to Accept God’s Messengers
- Using Media for Friday Sermons
- Active Submitters vs Passive Submitters
- The 12 Online Congregations
- Where are the ancient gods?
- Explicit vs. Implicit Idol Worship
- Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Proofs of Messengership?
- Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Zakat?
- Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Prayer Times?
- Does Alban Contradict Rashad?
- Twilight (Evening & Dawn)
- The Quranical Spectrum
- Artificial Intelligence
- A Few Techniques for Preaching
- The Curse and Redemption of the Arabs in Islam
- Children of Submitters and Religious Duties
- Polygamy or Monogamy in the Quran
- Saying Inshallah
- Are There Aliens Out There?
- Why Don’t Christians Pray Five Times a Day While Muslims Do?
- These Should Never Get Boring?
- Radicalism
- Righteousness Beyond the Expectations of the Society
- Historically Specific vs. Universalist Understanding of the Quran
- Offering Ourselves to God
- Why the Quran Often Seems Unclear to Many?
- How to Use the Bible Today?
- The Stages of Soul Growth
- Their god of the gaps
- Astrology
- What After Democracy?
- Cooperate in Righteousness But Not in Sin
- The Funeral Contact Prayer
- God Chooses
- Lessening and Shortening the Contact Prayers in Civilized Spaces
- Dating
- Dowry
- Logical Proof about Alban Fejza’s Messengership
- Today’s World Does not Support a Full Life
- Types of Proof
- The Archetypal Story of the Quran
- The Pyramid of Hurt
- Why Most Scientists Don’t Believe in God
- The Scientific Experiment Which Would Prove the Existence of God
- Following vs. Imitating
- How to React Towards Messenger Claimants
- Honoring Our Parents in Modern Times
- Old Message, New Messenger
- Mathematical Miracle of Quran
- Evolution or Creation – The Final Argument
- Living Together with Non-Submitters
- Friday Consultation Meetings
- The Muhammadan Calligraphy
- The Invitation to God Alone
- Words Softer Than What the Quran Predicts
- Cosmetic Body Modifications
- Why Did Satan Appear as a Snake to Adam and Eve
- Atonement for Mixed Deeds Through Penalty Zakat
- The Global Forced Behaviour
- Being Friends with Non-Submitters
- Zakat Distribution Arrangement
- How to Deal With Those Who Leave Submission?
- What Does the Quran Really Say About Hadith?
- The Preconditions to Understanding the Quran Correctly
- The Mathematical Miracle of the Quran
- Are there Three Prayers or Five Prayers in the Quran
- Jesus – How overestimated!? How underestimated!?
- Hating Other Religious Groups
- A Message to Quranists